A Greek government agency has ordered the closure of all migrant camps throughout the country citing health risks which pose a serious public threat.
The agency, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO) made the demands following their inspections of 16 migrant reception centres in northern Greece where they discovered unacceptable living conditions and poor hygiene levels.
KEELPNO’s report findings included inadequate access to running water, inadequate ventilation, traces of toxic heavy metals in water, discovery of asbestos in certain structures accumulation of large quantities of trash and waste and extremely crammed living conditions and suggested that all migrant reception centres be closed down and their occupants released and integrated into the broader Greek community.
Andreas Benos, author of the report, while commending Greek authorities for their efforts in improving conditions for migrants, added that the situation is not sustainable.
“We believe that, for reasons of public health, reception centres should be closed,” he said.