
An apology was sent to the Greek Embassy in Australia by the head of the Seven TV Network in response to the outrage caused when they linked the Former Yugoslav Republic of Yugoslavia with Phillip II and Alexander the Great in their commentary during the Rio Olympics opening ceremony.

''Greece can proudly claim Alexander the Great as one of their own. We apologise. It was not our network's intention to disappoint our viewers. I do hope you will accept our sincere apologies for the miscommunication.'' - Kerry Stokes, Seven Network Chairman
Greek City Times along with other media outlets sent letters to the International Olympic Committee, Channel 7 (Australia) NBC (USA) and affiliated bodies requesting explanations over the gaffe. Most letters went unanswered.

We commend Mr Kerry Stokes for responding to the legitimate concerns of the Greek community in Australia over the issue of cultural misappropriation and distortion of history.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.