Trump’s Man says Greece may dump euro for US dollar


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Donald Trump’s pick for EU ambassador Professor Ted Malloch has claimed that Greek officials are looking at dumping the euro in favour of the US dollar in the event the country reaches an impasse with the European Union and the IMF over its debt.

According to an article in the Daily Mail, Malloch made the stunning claims during an interview on Greek TV where he also encouraged Greeks to leave the EU citing the Unstastainable debt.

"I know some Greek economists who have even gone to leading think tanks in the US to discuss this topic and the question of dollarisation," he said, according to local press.

"Such a topic of course freaks out the Germans because they really don't want to hear such ideas,’’ he is quoted as saying.

Malloch has previously predicted that the Euro will crash by 2018.

There have been no official responses from the Greek government to Malloch’s claims.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.