The German ‘’invasion’’ of Greece is on



The number of German tourists to Greece for 2017 is expected to increase by 100%, doubling up from last year according to bookings data from German tour operators.

Greece has always been a traditional favourite of German tourists, but the huge increase comes as a pleasant surprise given recent fragile relations and perceived antagonisms on the political and media landscape because of the austere and some say patronising bail out programmes Greece has to endure.

According to reports from German tourist operators demand for travel to Greece has seen bookings double this year compared to 2016.

Greece is among the most popular destinations for German tourists, while Tunisia and Egypt seem to be recovering slowly but steadily from the crisis of recent years, whilst numbers to Turkey have dropped.

According to tour operator DER Touristik, while a rise in demand is noticed for the Western Mediterranean countries of Italy, France and Spain whilst it also sees Egypt making a comeback as a tourism destination this year.

Similarly tour operator Alltours has recorded a great demand for trips to Greece and a good interest for holidays in Spain.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.