Greece’s tourism 2017 expected to boom

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Tourism to Greece, including cruise travellers, is forecast to hit 28 million in 2017, according to the SETE Intelligence March report released this week. Tourism revenue is expected to reach up to 14.5 billion euros this year.

The research body of the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE) is expecting a great year ahead despite the ongoing political instability and Greece’s uncertain negotiations with its creditors.

SETE Intelligence cites tour operator data as well as an increase in the demand for and launch of airline routes to Greece for the summer ahead, improved consumer confidence in tourism, IPK and UNWTO estimates for further tourism growth globally, as well as the strong return of the Russian market.

They also added that the positive forecast is also backed by the completion and handover of the management of 14 regional airports to Fraport Greece, the operation of new hotel units and a lot of worldwide media publicity on Athens being a year round destination.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.