The Greek Australian Community in both Sydney and Melbourne celebrated with large crowds last weekend in honour of Greece’s Independence Day – March 25.
Last Sunday large groups of guests in sunny Sydney attended an eventful day, which began with a Thanksgiving Service Doxology in Redfern, then a Memorial Service with laying of wreaths took place in Martin Place, which led to a march from the CBD through to the iconic Opera House.
The Parade took place in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, the President of the Greek Orthodox Community of Australia Mr. Harry Danalis, Federal, State and Local government representatives, as well as the Ambassador, Consulat and Greek and Cypriot Diplomatic Officials.
Over 4000 students from Greek schools across Sydney paraded and were greeted by a large crowd who were then entertained by a wonderful choir, traditional Greek dancing, poetry and speeches.
*All images from Sydney by Bourdo Photography
Students from over 48 Greek schools in Melbourne and thousands upon thousands of proud Greeks celebrated freedom and democracy, honouring their ancestors who rose up against the Ottoman Empire and ultimately ended 400 years of occupation at the Shrine of Remembrance at Kings Domain.
Official guests included His Grace Bishop of Dervis Ezekiel, His Grace Bishop of Militoupoleos Iakovos, Consul General of Greece in Melbourne- Her Excellence Christina Simantiraki, as well as Local, State and Federal Government, along with Mr. Bill Papastergiadis- President of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne, Mr. Kostas Kontis- President of the Greek Orthodox Communities and Parishes of Victoria and Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis- Secretary General Organisational Committee for Greek National Day.
*Sydney images by (Copyright)