Craig Kelly, Liberal Federal Member for Hughes in Sydney, has outraged the Greek community of Australia and the world by posting a video on his social media page on Sunday, referring to the Macedonian naming issue.
The remarks were made at a rally attended by Kelly, who told the crowd-
“It is up to the people of ‘Macedonia’, the ‘Republic of Macedonia’ to decide how their country is governed…and they should be free from interference from foreign nations.. so the words I say is in respect to that…they also must have the right to decide what name they will be known as…and if the nation of ‘Macedonia’ wishes to call itself ‘The Republic of Macedonia’…every other nation should fall in line and respect that right.”
Kelly goes on to say that he will be asking the Australian Government to also support his views on this matter.
The Member for Hughes has been known to make these kinds of comments in the past and Greek City Times contacted his office yesterday to know why his remarks again went against the internationally recognised constitutional name.
GCT emphasised to Kelly that the dispute over the use of the word ‘Macedonia’ exists because the northern Greek province of Macedonia not only carries the same name for thousands of years, but has been the target of FYROM, which has tried to appropriate its Greek culture and history.
Until such time as the name dispute with Greece is resolved all international organisations including the United Nations, which Australia is a signatory to have agreed to refer to the said country as the ‘’Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.
Kelly’s response to GCT on email today was as follows-
“I understand the long standing Greek connection to the name “Macedonia”. However my view is that the issue is NOT a historical debate about who has greater rights to a name.
My view is based upon the simple concept; that every sovereign democratic nation has the right to self-determination and the freedom to decide for itself what it’s name will be.
And I would also note, that since the breakup of Yugoslavia, over 130 nations have recognised Macedonia’s constitutional name (The Republic of Macedonia) including the USA, Canada and the UK – but Australia doesn’t,” said Kelly in his response.
Greek City Times along with other Greek Australian politicians, including Tom Koutsantonis MP, have also contacted Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s office to request that the PM reaffirm Australia’s position on the naming issue of FYROM and make it clear that the Federal Government does not share the views held by Mr Kelly.
Greek City Times will keep you updated with further details and outcomes.
Mr Kelly.. Your view is totally wrong, uneducated and at worst a smear of a ntaion that rightfully holds the name of Macedonia as one of its regions and DOES have historical title not only to the name but to everything related to the word Macedonia. Then again from your vantage point in Australia and no doubt having no actual facts, information, or anytihng else other than a biased opinion of a region you know nothing about it does not surprise me that yet another person of so called influence can come out with an idiotic and uneducated comment with absolutey no idea of the offence you will cause to thousands of Greeks who are passionate about there home region. Maybe if you took the time to read and view the actual facts (I presume you can read) you may realise just how far off track you are with this and issue an apology to Greece. That wold be the “manly” thing to do, but, I have no doubt you will 1: Ignore any and other views onyour pathetci opinion 2: Blame someone else for misreporting you idiotic comments 3: Stick you head in the sand and blatantly ignore the offence your comments have caused.
The UN charter stipulates that until any formal name for the FYROM is decided, it will only be known officially as the FYROM. As for media outlets using the name “Macedonia” for there own reasons is simply that the lazy media were given permision to do so, as no doubt to write the full Fomer Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia is just too much to say or to type in any correspondence and so the name was truncated for that use only. Officially it is only know as the FYROM, and that is a fact Mr Kelly, not something I feel you are used to dealing with.
Oh and bythe way, I am from the UK, I am NOT Greek, nor have any affilliation with anything Greek, only to say the name issue confused me so, I got off my ass, went to see for myself and got to find out the FACTS rather than believe any media BS on the matter, maybe you should consider doing the same yourself… Hahahahahaha yeah right, I am sure you will jump at the chance…. NOT!!!
I think you have confused The Member for Hughes as (Mr) Hughes. Either way, he is a revisionist buffoon.
So if Indonesia decided to call itself – The Republic of “Queensland” — and then claimed all historical aspects of QLD (in Australia) as their own.. with claim to that area.
Would Craig Kelly care ????? .
Where is the difference ?? ANSWER ????
“I understand the long standing Greek connection to the name “Macedonia”. However my view is that the issue is NOT a historical debate about who has greater rights to a name.
My view is based upon the simple concept; that every sovereign democratic nation has the right to self-determination and the freedom to decide for itself what it’s name will be.
And I would also note, that since the breakup of Yugoslavia, over 130 nations have recognised Macedonia’s constitutional name (The Republic of Macedonia) including the USA, Canada and the UK – but Australia doesn’t,” said Kelly in his response.”
Which part of this reply is offensive?
clearly more evidence to suggest another half educated convict weighing in on something they lack understanding about.
You only try and take from those that have!
Take a good look around, no other nation shares the previlge of being regarded as a beacon of light on the world stage.
clearly more evidence to suggest another half educated convict weighing in on something they lack understanding about.
You only try and take from those that have!
Take a good look around, no other nation shares the previlge of being regarded as a beacon of light on the world stage.