Victims of Pontian Genocide must be kept alive in our memory: Greek President


POntian Genocide

The President of the Hellenic Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos during his speech  on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Genocide of Pontus Hellenism (19 May) urged Greeks and the world to keep the memory alive.

‘’The sacred memory of the tragic victims of the Genocide of Hellenism in the Pontus must remain alive to keep the world on alert, as the nightmare of crimes against Humanity is unfortunately not over’’

The hardships we experience, especially through the barbarity of jihadist terrorism, prove that the nightmare of crimes against Humanity is unfortunately not over. That is why the Sacred Memory of the Tragic Victims of the Greek Genocide of the Pontus must remain alive to keep the world on alert," Pavlopoulos said and added:

"The Greek nation, fulfilling its basic, historical and institutional obligation - on the basis of the provisions of Law 2193/1994 - honours this year the sacred memory of the tragic victims of the Pontus Hellenism, proving in practice that we do not forget this atrocious crime against Humanity."

The message of the President of the Republic concluded: "On this Remembrance Day we call on all peoples not to forget the victims and of any other genocide, given that only the whole world - and consequently the International Community - will prevent similar atrocious crimes against Humanity in the future."

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.