New claim in Skopje: “Thessaloniki is ours”


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A large gathering of 150,000 people yesterday in Skopje’s centre square, celebrating the nation’s European Cup Handball win, turned into a rally where supporters of the VMRO party and former Prime Minister Gruevski, screamed “Thessaloniki is ours.”

Flying flags with the Vergina Sun, the large groups shouted slogans about Greece, claiming Thessaloniki belongs to them.

The country’s new Prime Minister Zoran Zayev, has however kept his distance from Gruevski’s party, reiterating that he does not want to challenge Greece in the “Macedonia” naming issue.

The new new PM also said in a television interview that he wants to have “good relations with Greece and all their neighbouring countries”, which came hours after a phone call from Greece’s own Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, congratulating him on his election victory.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.

  1. They have been saying that Thessaloniki is their’s since Gruevski came to power, but they’re too afraid to come & get it!!

  2. Stupid Slavs will never learn when to quite. When you don’t have a history and culture of your own worth anything you try and steal someone else culture and identity. Like Turkey without Constantinople would be nothing, a city created and given life to by the Greeks.

    Everyone around Europe wants to steal Hellenic culture and identity and claim it for their own. No culture on Earth has anything on the Ancient Hellenes and what they achieved and gave to not only Western civilisation but the whole world.

    Alexander the Great – Greek
    The Wheel – Greek
    Wine – Greek
    Drama – Greek
    Comedy – Greek
    Tragedy – Greek
    Without the 3 above there would be no Hollywood today.
    Modern medicine – Greek
    The first hospital – Greek
    One teacher many students (The Classroom) – Greek
    Astronomy – Greek
    Most beautiful architecture in the world – Greek
    Worlds first known working computer – Greek
    Olympic Games – Greek
    Pankration no rules fighting (known today as MMA thinking the orientals invented it NO!!!) – Greek
    Boxing (first discovered on the island of Santorini, the famous boy painted with boxing gloves picture) – Greek
    Philosophy – Greek
    Philanthropy – Greek
    DEMOCRACY and freedom – GREEK!!!!!

    and lastly but most importantly, Fasolada – Greek!!!

    The above just touch on the achievements the Greeks gave the world. No wonder it is the only period of time known as THE GOLDEN AGE! With so many achievements the Greeks can be excused for achieving SFA in modern times. Axxxxxx if only the Greeks were like the barbarians (another Greek word) around them and bred like neanderthal rabbits then maybe we would be ruling the world right now rather than trying to be extinguished by every other culture on Earth.