Greece's capital welcomes tourists with ‘Athens Greeters’



Tourists to the Greek capital are being welcomed by a host of helpful ‘Athens Greeters’ who have taken positions throughout the city, giving helpful advice, tips and information to the more than 5 million visitors expected to come through Athens at the peak of summer.

‘Athens Greeters’ are positioned throughout Athens ready to welcome tourists and introduce them to the diverse offerings of the Greek capital.

A joint initiative of the Athens municipality and the Athens Tourism Partnership, the Athens Greeters is a growing team of currently 100 volunteers providing information, guidance and directions to the more than 5 million visitors expected to come to Athens on holiday.

“Tourism is a driving force of Athens’ economy and creates jobs. It is with great pride that we are seeing more people than ever choosing to travel to Athens.  The Welcome Program aims to ensure the city’s visitors enjoy the best of Athens. Our goal is to welcome more and more every year,” said Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis of the initiative.

“Synergies are clearly the key to promoting and showcasing Athens as a tourist destination. It is vital that we unite our forces… tourism developments in Athens are positive and we continue our efforts with the common goal of attracting even more visitors and improving their experience of our city,” said

The Athens Tourism Partnership is backed by Greek carrier Aegean, Athens international airport and the municipality of Athens with the support of the Hellenic Initiative.

You will find Athens Greeters across town wearing a specially designed T-shirts, badges, hats and handing out city maps, free coupons, tip cards, and together with the municipality’s This is Athens! city guide enhancing the Athens experience for its visitors.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.