A moving story unfolded on Sunday afternoon in the village of Afandou, on the island of Rhodes, where a heroic 14-year-old schoolgirl entered a neighbours house and placed her own life at risk to save three young children sleeping in their room.
Varvara Tsiligiris realised that a fire was occurring in a neighbouring building and went out on the street and after calling for help, went by herself up to the house and ran into the room where the three children were, in order to save them.

The brave teenager spoke to Newsit.gr, and said her act was nothing more than her duty as a human being and a citizen, while she stressed that she did not feel afraid, as the need of the children was greater than that of her own.
“I didn’t care about myself at that stage, I’m not the kind of person who will sit down and watch another person burn. I preferred to do it, rather than have three children die. It is nice to help someone else if something bad is happening,” says the heroic schoolgirl, who notes that her dream is to become a police officer someday, to help as many people as she can.