As of today, Uber has suspended its transport network company “uberX” service in Athens, due to the passing of a new law that effects ridesharing services.
“We need to assess whether and how we can work in accordance with this new framework,” Uber Greece said in an announcement, adding that the uberX service will be suspended until the “appropriate solutions” are found.
Uber operates two services in Athens, uberX, which offers services of privately licensed drivers and uberTAXI, which employs licensed taxi drivers.
“We are not leaving Greece… We will continue to provide the uberTAXI service in Athens,” Uber Greece said.
The bill passed in parliament on March 22 for regulating taxi services providers (Beat and Uber) and includes a stricter framework of operations for the companies.
Among other things, the bill tightened Greece’s taxi market as it now requires e-platforms and apps offering taxi services (via phone or online) to operate as transport companies.
“We look forward to working with all relevant stakeholders in the country to find a way for passengers to enjoy the benefits of modern technologies like Uber,” the company added.