'Eros- Charity from the Heart' 5th Annual Fundraising Night

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'Eros - Charity from the Heart' held its 5th Annual Fundraising Night in Sydney, Australia on Saturday 18th August 2018, this year supporting Multiple sclerosis (MS).

MS is a condition of the central nervous system, interfering with nerve impulses within the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. It is characterised by sclerosis, a greek word meaning scars, which occur within the central nervous system. More than 2 million are diagnosed with MS worldwide and unfortunately there is currently no cure for MS however there are a number of treatment options available to help manage symptoms and slow progression of the disease.

The committee of 'Eros - Charity from the Heart' was co-founded by a group of parents who wanted to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate, and their message is simple- it is about giving back.

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Committee member Connie Athanasatos said that this year they decided to “support MS as many of us on the committee have close relatives or friends that have been affected by this condition. Being involved with Eros is something that is very close to my heart as it gives me the opportunity to work with like minded women who feel the same way as me and want to give back to the community, and help make a small difference in the lives of others.”

Every year the charity they choose to support changes, and this year they successfully raised $31,000 for MS.

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On the night, Stephen Papadopoulos, a MS ambassador who was diagnosed with the condition when he was twenty-two years old spoke about his personal experience with MS. He shared that even though he lives in pain 24/7 and only gets 2-3 hours of sleep a night due to sharp pains and pins and needs in his body, he still remains positive and enjoys talking about his experience to raise awareness of MS. Stephen takes each day as it comes, always with a smile on his face, making the best out of every situation that gets thrown at him.

Another committee member commented that “the Eros fundraiser is an opportunity for families with young children of Greek background or non Greek to come together and have fun. It’s an opportunity for kids to run around and be entertained without parents feeling the pressure of keeping their children quiet which is what we all feel every time we go out whether it's at a restaurant, movies, peoples homes etc. It's a time to laugh, dance and at the same fundraise for a worthy cause.”