University of Athens, School of Medicine amongst best in the world

Athens school of Medicine

Athens school of Medicine

The School of Medicine at Athens University has been ranked among the leading 300 schools in the world in the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers published by the National Taiwan University.

More specifically, The School of Medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is ranked 140th in the World. This classification is particularly important because it is not affected by research resources, educational infrastructure and individual achievements of faculty members, but by the long-term and high level and consistent scientific research that takes place in Universities such as the University of Athens.

Accordingly, the school’s performance is particularly high in the ranking of individual academic sectors and fields of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), known as the Shanghai List.

Moreover, the School of Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens participates in the top 500 of the Universities in three academic subjects, compared to one last year: Public Health is in the 76-100 position, while in the subject of Clinical Medicine it moved to 151-200 from 201-300, certifying the upward trend of recent years.