Ratings agency still gives Greece a good mark



Moody’s ratings agency has maintained Greece’s B3 credit rating and a positive outlook, as the country’s growth rate for GDP is at 2%.

In their latest report, Moody's noted slightly stronger growth in 2019, and said "the upside potential to growth is larger that the downside risks in our view, as planned tax reductions (...) could provide a bigger boost to confidence and spending than we currently assume."

Nonetheless Moody’s also warned that "the potential for faster-than-expected economic growth in the coming years (...) requires continued focus on the part of the Greek authorities on fully implementing the agreed institutional and banking sector reforms."

Factors that could lead to an upgrade, it said, included continuing prudent fiscal policies, sustaining reform efforts, and having a successful return to the markets. A downgrade is "currently unlikely," Moody's said, but factors that could lead to it would include deviation by the Greek government from agreed commitments or reversal of reforms previously agreed and legislated, or re-emerging tensions with creditors for other reasons.