The Athens University of Economics and Business cancelled classes on Wednesday in protest against the increasing number of drug addicts injecting themselves at the entrance of the university and in areas surrounding the premises.
The university said conditions around its building in central Athens posed a severe safety risk to students and staff and has called on state authorities to “immediately and permanently remove drug dealers and drug users from the university.”
Dean of the University, Mr. Emmanuel Yakoumakis, says many students miss classes as they fear for their safety as syringes can be seen all over the premises of the university.
“For the past two and a half years, I have informed authorities about the problem,” and says his main concern is the drug selling and use of drugs that are taking place on the premises. He noted that the “unpleasant and criminal activity” poses hygiene and security threats to all those at the university, and is interfering with academic work.
According to the Dean, the problem can’t be sorted with police occasionally patrolling the area, he believes authorities need to crack down on the issue and sort it out quickly.