Celebrate the Festive Season at Athens’ Acropolis Museum

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Athens’ popular Acropolis Museum is getting ready to launch its Christmas activities and events, which are guaranteed to entertain people of all ages!

With imaginative children’s workshops, gallery talks, Christmas tunes, harp melodies in the Parthenon Gallery and more surprises, the Acropolis Museum is in a festive mood and ready to welcome its visitors during the month of December.

Here is a list of all the scheduled events taking place at one of the world’s leading Museums during the month of Christmas-

Workshops for children

Temples and other buildings made with LEGO®

Little ones who visit the Museum during the festive season will have the opportunity to create their own buildings using white LEGO® bricks and plenty of imagination. Their inspiration will be the temples, columns, and capitals of the Acropolis!

Program (held in Greek only): Saturday 16/12 & Sunday 17/12, 11 a.m. & 1 p.m.

The workshop is held by the Acropolis Restoration Service Education Team and is designed for kids from 7 to 11 years old. Telephone reservations required on 210 9000900 (every Tuesday & Wednesday, from 12 noon to 3 p.m.) and the pre-purchase of tickets (admission fee: 2 euro). Participation is limited to 35 children per session. Workshop duration: 90 minutes.

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The planet of myths

Children and parents/escorts will have the opportunity to travel to the homelands of mythical people, heroes, and monsters. They will map their own mythical country on the Land of the Myths and they will light up the dome of the Sky.

Program (held in Greek and in English):
Saturday 23/12 & Saturday 30/12, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday 24/12 & Sunday 31/12, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The workshop is held by the Museum Archaeologist-Hosts and is designed for kids from 4 to 12 years old and their parents/escorts. Participation for children is free. A general admission fee is required for parents/escorts. The workshop is taking place at the balcony of the second floor that overlooks the Archaic Gallery.

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A walk through the Museum with an archaeologist

Visitors have the opportunity to participate in walks through the Museum exhibition galleries, making unanticipated stops and various discussions, together with an Archaeologist-Host.

Program: Wednesday 27/12, Thursday 28/12 & Friday 29/12, 11 a.m. & 1 p.m.

The program is held by the Museum Archaeologist-Hosts and is designed for kids from 4 to 12 years old and their parents/escorts. Participation for children is free. A general admission fee is required for parents/escorts.

Music events

On Saturday 23 December, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., visitors will enjoy their walk in the Parthenon Gallery listening to live harp music by Thodoris Matoulas.

On Sunday 24 December at 11 a.m., the Acropolis Museum will host the music ensemble “Quintarco” of the Athens State Orchestra for a music concert at the Museum ground floor, including Christmas and classical music pieces from Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’ and dances by Brahms and Skalkottas.

On Sunday 31 December at 11 a.m., the Acropolis Museum will host the music ensemble “Metallon” of the Athens State Orchestra for a music concert at the Museum ground floor, with famous cinema and jazz music works by Mendelssohn, Bizet and Strauss.

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The Acropolis Museum’s lucky charm for 2018

The Acropolis Museum’s lucky charm for 2018 is inspired by an exhibit of wreath presented on a marble slab displayed in the Gallery of the Slopes (Mid 1st century

Festive meals and Christmas jazz at the Café & Restaurant

During the festive season, the Museum ground floor café and second floor restaurant will serve traditional festive meals and sweets. Christmas jazz nights are also taking place every Friday night by famous jazz music ensembles.

Reservations: +30 210 9000915.