The Environmental Protection Association of Kastoria, has claimed that over 200 wire snares for the poaching of wild animals, have been found on the Greek-Albanian borders in the last three months.
“Speaking with local residents we found out that this is a recurring phenomenon whose aim is to catch roe deer, which are a protected species,” said Nikos Panagiotopoulos, a member of the Association.
According to the association the snares were found on paths used by wild animals and were securely attached to trees, so that the animals could not escape.
“It is the most unorthodox way of hunting as the wild animal is trapped and dies from a lack of food and exhaustion as it can remain tied up for many days,” said Panagiotopoulos, adding: “The placing of traps in the woods threatens wildlife in the most immoral way; we are not talking about classic ways of hunting but trap-setting, which threatens all kind of animals without allowing any chance of escape.”
The Association has filed a complaint with the forestry department about this new way of hunting wild animals, expressing high concern about how its future impact on the fauna of the area.