Athens opens up warm shelters for homeless as wintry chill hits the Greek Capital


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The City of Athens has opened another heated shelter for the homeless in the Greek capital, to protect them against the low temperatures that have hit Greece and are expected to continue over the next few days.

After a large turnout for the first shelter set up on Sofokleous Street, a second shelter has been set up at the Ambelokipi Friendship Association (Panormou 17 and Vatheos, near the metro station).

Seventy people were being hosted at the Sofokleous centre on Thursday, up from 50 the night before.

The municipality has also deployed a mobile reception and solidarity unit to provide on-the-spot assistance and intervene in areas frequented by homeless, to inform them about the shelters that are available and announced that emergencies can be reported 24/7 on the phone numbers: 2105246515-6  and 1595.

Homeless people using the shelters are also given hot beverages, food, and blankets.

According to the most recent figures in July, there were 793 homeless people in central Athens, with 353 living on the street.

*Source: AMNA