Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his counterpart Zoran Zaev have been selected to receive the prestigious 'Ewald von Kleist' Award, according to a report by Deutsche Welle on Thursday, in recognition of their efforts to resolve the differences between their two countries and the signature of the Prespes Agreement, which changes FYROM's name to North Macedonia.
This year's award will be presented to Tsipras and Zaev at the 55th Munich Security Conference (MSC) on February 16, as announced by MSC Chairman Wolfgang Ischinger on his Twitter feed on January 25.
A representative of the Munich Security Conference, talking to DW, on Thursday confirmed that both Tsipras and Zaev had accepted the invitation to attend the conference in Munich on February 15-17.
The MSC inaugurated the "Ewald von Kleist" Award in 2009 and among its recipients in the past were Henry Kissinger, Javier Solana, Helmut Schmidt, and Valery Giscard d'Estaing, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and former German President Joachim Gauck, as well as John McCain.
Aiming to honour leading figures in security policy that have made an outstanding contribution to international peace and conflict management, the award to Tsipras and Zaev acknowledges the importance of the Prespes Agreement for security and stability in the Balkans and Europe.