Greece’s Presidential Guard stand guard next to the Epitaph during Holy Friday evening Church service in Adelaide (VIDEO)

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Greece’s Presidential Guard, with the permission from the President of the Hellenic Republic Prokopios Pavlopoulos, stood guard next to the Epitaph during Holy Friday evening Church service at St George Church, in Adelaide.

During the evening church service on Good Friday, The Lamentation at the Tomb took place. The Priest sprinkles the Epitaphio with rose water and Mirofores throw rose petals on Jesus’ body, representing Jesus entering Hades.

In a world first, the Evzones also stood beside the Epitaph as it was carried on the shoulders of the faithful around the church.

Words cannot express the emotions and how proud Greeks all over the world feel.

*Watch the video here- 

In a world first, Evzones stand guard at the Epitaphio in Adelaide