Three days after a tragic car accident in Atalanti, Lamia that claimed the life of the 21-year-old male driver, his 16-year-old sister has passed away overnight as a result of horrific injuries sustained during the crash. The teenage girl suffered severe injuries, amputation and was in intensive care at Attikon hospital, with doctors attempting to keep her alive, while her family urged Greek citizens to donate blood. Sadly, the 16-year-old passed away on Wednesday evening.
The siblings, 21-year-old Giorgos, and 16-year-old Sonia were at their village in Kalapodi Lokrisa, for the three-day national holiday. On Sunday afternoon, the 21-year-old asked his grandfather for his car to drive to the beach with his sister for a swim. Two kilometers before reaching Atalanti, the young man lost control of the car, which crashed into a roadside fence and the car rolled over a few times.
Car accident expert Panagiotis Madias said the tragedy is the result of poor road fencing, similar to the accident of Greek singer Pantelis Pantelidis.
"It reminds me of the Pantelidis case because under no circumstances should the safety bars break, resulting in the fatal injury of the driver and his sister," he said. As a roadside expert, Mr Madias has handled more than 15 cases, where the safety bars were not fitted correctly, resulting in serious injury and even the death of drivers.
The funeral of the two siblings will be held at Kalapodi Atalanti, on Friday at 5pm in the afternoon.