Greek University ranked 7th in the world, 3rd in Europe  

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Despite lack of resources and funding in Greece, Metsovio Polytechnic of the National Technical University of Athens was ranked amongst the top ten schools in the world according to the 2019 Shanghai Rankings.

In its announcement, the Metsovio Polytechnic, which is the university’s school of Civil Engineering, was ranked 7th in the world and 3rd in Europe, making it the only Greek university school until today to rank in the first 10 schools in the world.

The school of Shipping Engineering was ranked 29th in the world and 12th in Europe. The Electric Engineers School was among the positions 151-200, the Mechanical Engineers in the positions 201-300 and the Chemical Engineers between 301-400.

The rector of NTUA Professor Ioannis Gholias stated that “the University, despite problems with low funding and the reduction in teachers and staff continues to be ranked among the first worldwide due to the staff’s efforts and the high level of its students. These are very satisfying results for the university, which continues its effort for the continuous improvement at all levels of academic and research activity”.