Greeks fired without "excuses" from here on: Labor Minister

Giannis Vroutsis

Giannis Vroutsis

Greece's Labor Minister Giannis Vroutsis scrapped Tsipras' government legislation on Monday, that obliged employers to give "well-founded” reasons for dismissals in the workplace.

Vroutsis signed the change on Monday which abolishes the rules which had been approved just three months ago by Tsipras who had argued that the measure protected workers.

The Labor minister argued that deregulation and simplification of employment rules would encourage employers to create more jobs.

Notably Greek unemployment is the highest in the European Union at around 17%.

The changes brought in by Vroutsis are consistent with the Misotakis government pre-election agenda which promised deregulation and untangling of the Greek  beaucratic labyrinth which deters foreign investment interest and stifles business growth.