“Yoga is not exercise but a form of worship,” says Metropolitan Nektarios

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The Reverend Metropolitan Nektarios of Argolis has stressed that “Yoga is not an exercise, but an act of worship,” and is now holding an event on Sunday the 29th of September in Argos, to warn people about what he calls the “dangers” of yoga, pilates, and meditation.

“When we have repentance in church, whether it be a small confession or a big one, we don’t do it for fitness reasons. We make a confession to God. This is the same thing that people do during yoga, which is what we are trying to explain”, says Metropolitan Nektarios.

*The event is taking place on September 29

The event titled ‘Dangerous Fashion – Yoga, Pilates and Meditation’ is taking place at “Alexander the Great” Art and Culture Gallery in Argolis, and is being held by the Metropolitan of Argolis Monastery, along with the Pan-Hellenic Parents Union.

According to the organisers, there will be a number of speakers who will discuss the background of yoga and what it means to practice the popular poses and meditation, along with the implications it has on being Greek Orthodox.

The Metropolitan of Argolis has also invited those who disagree with the event to submit their views to the organisers.