St. Spyridon Junior School Students celebrate ‘Festival of Learning’ (VIDEO)

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Junior School students from St Spyridon College in Sydney, Australia, took their parents, grandparents, and visitors on an educational journey through a ‘Festival of Learning’ day.

Big ideas were explored and discussed, including sustainability and global connections through the use of technology and real-world problems.

The day concluded with the Greek Dancing performance by all K – 6 students under the direction of Mrs Sophia Haskas.

”You could feel the heart of Greece beating here today,” said Dr Savoulis, the Chairman of the Board.

St. Spyridon College is a co-educational school providing education to about 650 students Kindergarten to Year 12. It was established in 1983 by the St. Spyridon Parish of South East Sydney, under the auspices of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.

St. Spyridon students come from 20 different cultural backgrounds and the students are given the opportunity to learn about Greek Orthodox religion, Greek language, Greek history, and Greek culture.

*Watch the video here-