Archbishop outraged by sexual abuse of 12 year old by cleric

Ieronymos II is the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece

Ieronymos II is the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece

The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos expressed his deep sorrow and condemnation of a cleric accused of sexual abuse of a 12-year old child in eastern Mani.

Ieronymos expressed his rage as a human being over the “monstrous and horrendous incident adding that “there are no words to reflect my deep sorrow as cleric and my rage as a human being over the monstrous and horrendous incident of the sexual abuse of a 12-year angel in eastern Mani”.

“I can’t imagine that a man dedicated to God insults and betrays God and abuses His creations. I wish all those not to exist but the Justice will judge it. The sooner this horrible case is solved the better. But now, I can’t remain silent, nobody can. I humbly apologise to God and pray for the innocent angel” added Ieronymos.