Indie Pop sensation Marina Diamandis to tour Athens in November

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By Drossoulla Mavromati

Look out Indie Pop fans! Marina Diamandis is returning to Athens for her upcoming tour: “Love + Fear” on November 16th! This will be Marina’s second show in Athens, and it’s sure to be a hit! Her last visit was in 2016 for her “Neon Nature” tour for her album “Froot”, and was then “Marina and the Diamonds.” Now the Greek-Welsh beauty is returning with a new album, new name, and new energy!

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For those of you who do not know who Marina is, here is a little background information about her:

Marina is a Greek and Welsh singer, born in Wales. Her father is Greek, from Lefkada, and her mother is Welsh, from Wales. Her parents met when her father was attending university in England, and the two ended up married. When her parents separated, her father moved back home to Greece. When Marina was a teenager, she decided that she wanted to move to the Aegean to be with her father and become more in touch with her Greek roots. Marina attended St. Catherine’s Embassy School of Athens and returned back to England two years later.

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When she returned to England, Marina had an ongoing “obsession” with wanting to become a singer. So much so, that she worked at a petrol station for two months to save up money to move to London to pursue her dream. Although she did not have any musical experience, she did have a passion for writing and didn’t begin her musical experience until she was eighteen years old. She went through many auditions for different opportunities but was unsuccessful.

In 2005, Marina created her famous stage name: “Marina and the Diamonds”, which is a name she chose to honor her last name: “Diamandi”; she then later used the term “the Diamonds” in reference to her fans. Marina decided to stop going to auditions and began to write and compose all her music herself. She then released her first album in 2007 that she created entirely with Garage Band titled: “Mermaid vs. Sailor” on MySpace.

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Marina later signed with a label she trusted in 2008 and began her real music career in 2009. She released her EP “The Crown Jewels”, and began to receive elite attention. Fast forwarding to 2012, Marina made her mark with her hit single: “Primadonna”, and later released her album “Electra Heart.”

Since then, Marina has risen to success with top charting music, tours, awards, and an incredible fan base.

If you are in Athens in November, make sure to catch Marina at Piraeus 177 Academy on November 16th! For more information about the show, you can visit the links below. See you there!

