Adding a touch of Greek elegance to your everyday lifestyle


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By Athena Mavromatis 

If you’re in need of adding some elegant Greek spice to your wardrobe, jewellery collection, or home decor, up-and-coming e-boutique “Hellenic Aesthetic” is for you! And for those in Florida and New York, they will be holding pop-up shops in St. Petersburg and Long Island City over the coming weeks!

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If you’re wondering exactly what “Hellenic Aesthetic” is, it’s an online store created by Greek-American, Marianthi Vlachos.

Her brand is inspired by and celebrates Greek heritage with trendy pieces of jewellery (such as Vlachos’ Greek map necklaces and name plate necklaces written in Greek), elegant ceramic house-wears, sandals, and accessories, which are mostly made in Greece, and some in the U.S.

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For those in Florida that are interested in attending this event, Marianthi will be at Baba Restaurant on Central Avenue in St. Petersburg, Florida on November 9th from 11am- 3pm. While you shop, you can enjoy delicious modern Greek/Lebanese cuisine at the eatery as you’re dazzled by Baba’s own unique “Hellenic Aesthetic” atmosphere.

If you can’t make it to the pop-up on November 9th, don’t fret! You can join Ms. Vlachos again for another event at Baba’s on December 7th from 11am-3pm where you can snatch some great gifts for this holiday season.

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*Baba Restaurant

As for those in New York, a Greek brand pop-up market will be hosted on November 16th from 12pm—3pm at 39-14 Crescent Street in Long Island City, New York. This pop-up event will include other brands from the Greek community, including, Yia Mas, Laiik, Popella, and many more which will be announced soon!

To stay connected with the latest Greek designs from Marianthi you can check out hellenicaesthetic