Miraculous Shrine of Saint Michael in Tarpon Springs, Florida

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By Drossoulla Mavromati

Last night, Saint Michael’s shrine in Tarpon Springs, Florida celebrated its 78th service for Archangel Michael, whose Feast Day is celebrated in the Greek Orthodox Church on November 8.

Every year for the service, Greeks of Tarpon Springs come together to create a beautiful service for the community. The annual service is very special and so is the story behind it.

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78 years ago, there was an 11-year-old boy who had fallen ill and because of this unfortunate circumstance, his sister, Goldie Parr, had the shrine built in honour of Archangel Micahel, who is known to cure those with cancer and other diseases, and she prayed to Archangel Michael to save her brother on the property of her own home.

Soon after the miracle occurred and her brother was cured.

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Since then, other people have come to this special shrine to pray for their own miracles and many have been very blessed. Since the first miracle of Goldie’s brother, Saint Michael has prayed for the people of Tarpon Springs, and others who come from all over America.

In honour of the shrine, it is important for Goldie and the rest of the community to make sure the St. Michael’s service in November every year is as special as possible. It is more than just a church service, it is almost like a constant “thank you” to Saint Michael for all he has done for the past 78 years at this shrine and continues to do.

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Priests from Saint Nicholas Church in Tarpon Springs conduct the service and are sometimes joined by other priests from other parishes, making it a very moving experience.


Goldie’s property is filled with chairs outside her home, and the inside of the shrine is packed with people as well. It is such a unique experience, and is a staple piece of events to not miss in Tarpon Springs every year.

If you’re ever in the area, the shrine is always open and Goldie is always welcoming to everyone who wants to visit the shrine, or to sit outside and pray.