The Voice coach Sakis Rouvas offers to pay his team members' medical treatments



Popular Greek singer and The Voice Greece coach Sakis Rouvas has offered to pay his team member Valia Demo's medical expenses after revealingshe was unable to afford to pay for treatments herself.

When Rouvas team member Valia, from Thessaloniki, struggled to perform due to issues with her vocal cords, the Greek singer told her that "it hurts my heart to hear you sing like that. I want to find a way to help you and then I want you to come and sing with me at my concerts and at other performances."

Rouvas told Valia during the live show that he wants to help her, as he believes she is a born performer and even promised to make an appointment with his own Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to ensure she receives the best treatment possible.

*The Voice Greece contestant Valia Demo

"Arrange the issue of your voice and I will take care of your expenses. I want you to realise how much I love your singing," said Sakis, with Valia clearly moved by her coach’s support.

"I don't know what to really say. I can’t believe you are offering this to me. It sounds like a dream to me and I thank you so much for believing in me,” said an emotional Valia.

*Watch Valia's performance here-