Thousands of Santas Take Over Chania for the 9th Annual Santa Run

santa run chania

santa run chania

Thousands of Santas and elves poured into the streets of Chania on Thursday, participating in the 9th Annual Santa Run, to raise money for ill children.

The event was organised by the Municipality of Chania and the Santa Run Association in co-operation with the Region of Crete.

As the Mayor of Chania, Panagiotis Simandirakis emphasised when opening the run, “we are all here this year, sending the message of solidarity and love.”

Along the route, the Santas and elves enjoyed listening to live music by local producers, as well as treats offered by the owners of the shops on their way to the finish line.

santa run chania

santa run chania

The Santa Run Chania covers a distance of around 3.5 km through the historic and commercial centre of the beautiful city.

In the Old Venetian harbour, participants of the parade danced to traditional Cretan music and were accompanied by Cretan dances.

In this Santa Run, official timing and medals do not exist, as everyone is a winner, participating to help raise money for children in need.

The Santa Run was started in Chania by a group of friends which turned into a voluntary group and eventually became one of the most pioneering events in Greece.