Greece concerned over political turmoil in Venezuela



Greece’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement on Wednesday expressing its deep concern ‘over the recent serious events that took place in Venezuela’, after security forces and armed motorcycle groups blocked opposition lawmakers from entering the National Assembly and exercising their right to vote during the process for election of a President of the National Assembly.

“These actions constitute a direct violation of democratic principles, the rule of law and freedom of expression, and they effectively impede the functioning of the sole legitimate and democratically elected institution in Venezuela, the National Assembly.

“Greece considers the violations of the democratic and constitutionally mandated functioning of the legislative body of Venezuela unacceptable and deplorable. We point to the importance of finding a political solution to the serious crisis afflicting the country and hurting mainly the people of Venezuela. Greece calls on all involved parties to make every possible effort to restore democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela through transparent, free and fair presidential elections.” read the statement.