Greek government denies Turkish claims that migrant was shot by Greek police trying to cross border

police at Evros

police at Evros

Turkish officials said Greek forces had killed a 'migrant' and wounded five others on Wednesday, as they tried to cross the Greek-Turkish border, a claim Greece declares again as "fake news".

According to Turkish reports, six men were injured by 'live ammunition' from Greek police, including three in the feet, one in the groin area, one in the chest, and one in the head.

The illegal migrant who was injured in the chest area, was taken to the Trakya University Medical School Hospital by ambulance, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The incident occurred in the region between the Kastanies Border Gate and the Pazarkule Border Gate.

Greek government spokesman Stelios Petsas issued an immediate denial statement.

"The Turkish side creates and disperses fake news targeted against Greece. Today they created yet another such falsehood, with injured people supposedly by Greek fire. I categorically deny it. Fake news keeps spreading, and while they were talking about injuries before, now they are talking about one dead. I confirm once more my previous denial: there is no such incident with fire from the Greek authorities," the statement read.

Greek riot police used water cannons and tear gas on Wednesday against hundreds of migrants as they made another attempt to cross the border from Turkey into Greece.

Turkish President spreads ‘fake news’ about Greece killing migrants at border: Ministry