Two burnt-out cars, burnt illegal immigrant tents and attacks against the police checkpoints, are just some of the extensive incidents that began on Saturday morning and culminated at midnight on the same day on the eastern Aegean island of Chios, according to Politis Chios.
News on the death of a 47-year-old Iraqi woman spread fear and insecurity among the residents of a migrant camp on the island, who thought she had coronavirus. The Iraqi woman was referred to Chios Hospital but was sent back to the migrant camp.
As it became known later, the 47-year-old Iraqi woman had undergone examinations for coronavirus and was found not have the infection, something that was clarified by the authorities, as several illegal immigrants feared that the cause of death was the infection.
The violence by the illegal immigrants continued at 21:00 on Holy Saturday when a group of immigrants started the attack with stones against the police. The incidents intensified to such an extent that tents, two cars, the canteen located in the migrant camp and houses were burnt.
Until the early hours of Easter Sunday, illegal immigrants continued throwing stones at police who were trying to enforce order.
Three illegal immigrants who are considered responsible for the incidents, have since been arrested by the Chios Police Directorate in the early hours of Easter Sunday. They are now facing heavy criminal charges.
However, the Ministry of Immigration has asked the police not to be satisfied with this number of arrests and to continue identifying those involved.
“Difficult night yesterday at the migrant camp and congratulations to the police and staff for enforcing order. Those responsible for the incident will be found,” commented the Minister of Immigration Notis Mitarakis.