“Everything Will Go Well”- Dionisis Sxoinas and STAN Antipariotis (VIDEO)



In the wake of Greece’s lockdown-lifting with the gradual easing of restrictions, the popular and much loved singers Dionisis Sxoinas and STAN, joined forces for a good cause.

The dynamic duo forged a song with a positive message called “Everything Will Go Well/Ola Tha Pane Kala.” The song and music video released under Panik Records together with Icon Music, is for a charitable initiative.

The mastermind behind the idea was Zenon Zintilis who also wrote the lyrics, while STAN wrote the music. They combined their talents to create a song with an optimistic message of hope amidst the world’s coronavirus pandemic.

The inspirational up-tempo song aims to motivate and give hope that the battle against COVID-19 will be overcome and won, whilst also paying tribute and giving thanks to the heroic frontliners.

“Everything Will Go Well” is the vehicle of the campaign by SUPER FM, the first music station in Cyprus, in collaboration with SIGMA TV, to promote the Cyprus Red Cross and its extraordinary actions and efforts in society, especially during the pandemic.

The song is accompanied by a special music video, featuring many famous faces from Cyprus who display their messages that “Everything Will Go Well!”

During “Menoume Spiti” quarantine, both STAN and Sxoinas put on live performances via their personal Instagram accounts to entertain their followers and help lift their spirits by the power and universal language of music. It was no wonder why both artists did not hesitate to combine their talents, time and generosity in the name and honour of a good cause.



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[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHDmrGDqUws” width=”300″ height=”200″ theme=”light” title=”Διονύσης Σχοινάς & Stan Αντιπαριώτης – Όλα Θα Πάνε Καλά – Official Music Video”]

Music: Stan Antipariotis

Lyrics: Zenon Zintilis

Artists: Dionisis Sxoinas & Stan Antipariotis



Lyrics (in English):

I know in the storm

You want a lot of hugs I know,

I saw your fear

All a deserted road

But you will no longer be alone


And all the heroes you had in the past

They don’t wear a cape anymore again

I owe you a thousand thanks

That I never told you


Everything will be fine!

We keep hope strong

In the dark don’t turn off the light every storm always passes …

‘Everything will go well

Every miracle with faith begins

And we will come out stronger

Love everything wins

Everything will go well (twice)


We will see the stars again

I will hold you tighter In your two hands

All the world will look like

With a colour that suits you


And when everything is over

You will see It will be summer here

The whole company will go again

To the most beautiful places


Everything will be fine!

We keep hope strong

In the dark don’t turn off the light every storm always passes …

Every miracle with faith begins

And we will come out stronger

Love everything wins

Everything will go well



Ξέρω μες στην καταιγίδα

Θέλεις πολύ μια αγκαλιά

Ξέρω, τον φόβο σου είδα

Όλα ένας έρημος δρόμος

Μα δεν θα ‘σαι πια μόνος


Κι όλοι οι ήρωες που ´χες παλιά

Δεν φοράνε πια κάπα

Σου τα χρωστώ χίλια ευχαριστώ

Που δεν σου τα ξανάπα


Όλα θα πάνε καλά!

Την ελπίδα κρατάμε γερά

Στο σκοτάδι μην σβήνεις το φως κάθε θύελλα πάντα περνά…

‘Ολα θα πάνε καλά

Κάθε θαύμα με πίστη αρχινά

Και θα βγούμε και πιο δυνατοί

Η αγάπη τα πάντα νικά Όλα θα πάνε καλά (δις)


Θα ξαναδούμε τ´αστέρια

Θα σε κρατάω πιο σφιχτά

Μέσα στα δυο σου τα χέρια

Όλος ο κόσμος θα μοιάζει

Με χρώμα που σου ταιριάζει


Κι όταν περάσουνε όλα θα δεις

Θα ´ναι εδώ καλοκαίρι

Όλη η παρέα θα πάμε ξανά

Στα πιο όμορφα μέρη


Όλα θα πάνε καλά!

Την ελπίδα κρατάμε γερά

Στο σκοτάδι μην σβήνεις το φως κάθε θύελλα πάντα περνά…

‘Ολα θα πάνε καλά

Κάθε θαύμα με πίστη αρχινά

Και θα βγούμε και πιο δυνατοί

Η αγάπη τα πάντα νικά

Όλα θα πάνε καλά