Tsipras meets with Greece 2021 Chairperson Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki

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SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday met with Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, head of the “Greece 2021” committee on the bicentennial of the declaration of the Greek War of Independence (1821).

According to ANT News, she briefed Tsipras on the progress of preparations and the work underway for festivities in 2021. The goal of the committee is to honour the 200 years of the Greek Revolution in a way that will give joy and pride to all Greeks. She stressed that in this direction, the committee will inform and cooperate with all political parties and as many bodies as possible in Greece and abroad.

On his part, Tsipras relayed the party’s thoughts and proposals for supporting the efforts of “Greece 2021”, in the context of the events that are being organised.

Following the meeting, Angelopoulos-Daskalaki made the following statement: “We had a very good meeting with the leader of the opposition, Mr. Alexis Tsipras. We informed all the Greeks at the press conference and now we are informing the parties as well. We will all celebrate 2021 with confidence. What happened in Greece is very important. Greece is standing and let’s see this as a window for the future, for the preparation of the country in the coming years.”

“With Alexis Tsipras, we had a meaningful discussion today. I informed him of the committee’s plans and listened intently to his views and suggestions. The aim of the committee is to seek convergence and to highlight what unites the Greeks. I’m sure we will succeed,” she posted on Twitter.

1 Comment
  1. We the Hellenes of the Diaspora, living in nations around the globe, and deeply proud of our Hellenic DNA, were promised a role to play in the 200th anniversary. Yet, to date, we have heard absolutely nothing re our possible role. NOR have countless letters/ emails to the Committee seen the courtesy of a response. And with one prominent member recently resigning from the Committee, well, I am expressing my own individual concern and not that of the many bodies of which I am an active member. Quite a few of them have already given up on seeing anything positive.