As Naval battle plans go in the East Mediterranean, the Turkish one is a disaster waiting to happen

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The circle in the map shows the spot that the Turkish political and military leaderships have selected to “score” a point against Greece.

Right on the junction that separates the Greek, Turkish and Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and just north of the Egyptian one. They could not have gone any farther.

The EEZ of any country determines the area where that country has the exclusive right to whatever resources are found there.

It does not change the status of that area as international waters through which ships from other countries can sail. Not to be confused with “territorial waters” that are up to 12 miles from any land mass and are considered the “sea borders.”

Turkey’s apparent attempt to conduct a search for underwater resources in another country’s EEZ is in violation of International Maritime Law and an attempt to provoke Greece into a military response which can lead to what is usually referred to as a “hot incident.”

Although Turkey’s research ship is found in that circle, badly protected by an assortment of frigates, corvettes and a few submarines, the bulk of the Turkish Aegean and Black Sea Fleets is positioned in the Aegean in a futile attempt to put up a “wall” and cut off the Hellenic Navy from the eastern Aegean Islands. A childish plan that the Hellenic High Command had seen through from the beginning and countered early.

As things stand at the moment, Turkey’s entire navy is exposed, not only to the Greek ships and submarines that are placed on both sides of their “wall” but to the multitude of Greek islands that are within striking distance.

And that’s not taking into account the Hellenic Air Force that can take off from either the mainland or any number of islands.

As Naval battle plans go, the Turkish one is a disaster waiting to happen. The Turkish Navy should thank its lucky stars the Greeks are calm about the situation and knowing they have international law on their side are not keen on starting a war.

Published by Emilios George Ades Georgiades.

The views of the author is not necessarily those of Greek City Times

Guest Contributor

This piece was written for Greek City Times by a Guest Contributor