“Greece will be delivered the first batch of vaccines that the EU will buy from the Oxford vaccine,” said Minister of Health, Vasislis Kikilias on Skai TV.
Kikilias said the news was announced by the president of the European Commission, Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen.
Greece will receive 3 million doses of the vaccine with the first shipment expected to arrive in December on the condition that phase 4 of the clinical trials will be successfully completed in November 2020.
He stressed that the priority groups who could potentially be first in line to receive the vaccine would be those who are most vulnerable to Covid-19.
Kikilias also touched on the “social relaxation” observed recently, while he stressed once again that “we are not against the younger generation, but we want it on our side to protect their grandparents.”
He said that the phase Greece was going through now was “difficult” and the measures that were decided were “reasonable”, adding that “in 14 days we will gauge how the virus has spread and we will consider new measures."