Greece's Deputy Minister for Civil Protection & Crisis Management, Nikos Hardalias, has warned citizens and visitors that Friday September 4, is the most dangerous day for fires.
According to the statement posted on the website of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, Hardalias said "My dear fellow citizens, tomorrow, September 4, a large part of our country will be in favourable conditions for fire occurrence. Tomorrow is the most difficult day of this summer, with a risk index of 4 in 17 prefectures of the territory."
State services as well as regions and the municipalities (with a risk index of 4) have been put on high alert.
Systematic ground and air patrols will be carried out 24 hours a day in all areas at risk.
The minister urges everyone to be especially careful and to avoid any activity in the countryside or anywhere else that could lead to a fire by negligence, such as back-burning, the use of machines that cause sparks (e.g. chainsaws), the use of outdoor grills, littering lighted cigarettes, etc.
In case of fire, citizens and visitors are reminded to immediately call 199.