GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

Calling all tea lovers!

Tea enthusiasts Marina and Stephan have poured their love of the unique flavours and properties of Greek tea into their business- GREK tea.

Tea is one of the most popular beverages across the world. Be it the early morning dose to kick start your morning or the evening cuppa to recharge and relax, there’s nothing like piping hot tea.

The only problem is with so many exciting Greek tea flavours to choose from, how do you decide?

GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

“I have always liked herbs and grew up drinking mountain tea and other herbal teas on a regular basis and combined with my knowledge of farming, having studied Organic Farming in Kefalonia, it seemed like a natural fit to start a herbal tea business. As soon as we returned back to the UK we started to develop the idea and a couple of months later GREK, still as a concept, was born,” Marina previously told GCT.

GREK is a family run business based in Maidstone, UK, which launched in April 2017. They import the best organic herbs Greece has to offer and make delicious herbal infusions which simply cannot be found in any shop down the street.

It’s no surprise that GREK have won national and international awards for their bespoke packaging design and a few great taste stars as their Greek herbal teas are so flavoursome and popular.

GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

The tea descriptions are enough to make you want to picture strolling up a mountain picking the herbs yourself. The range includes:

  • Peppermint (tea bags) – Smooth & Intense with delicate higher notes with hints of spice
  • Lemon verbena (tea bags) – Balmy & Zestful, citric, but smooth, calm and gentle. Soft, mild lemon, with a gentle edge, also fantastic on ice
  • Mountain tea (loose) – Mellow & Floral with a touch of fruit, woody and earthy notes. Nation’s favourite drink, also perfect as a cold drink with a slice of lemon
  • Chamomile (tea bags) – Gentle & Calming with sweet aroma, perfectly balanced between flowers and fruit
  • Paradeisia blend (tea bags) – Crisp & Floral, light flowers underscored by citrus and a fresh aftertaste. (aromatic sage, lemon verbena, lemon balm, peppermint) – our flagship tea!

“Our teas are delicious and very aromatic! We do use the best ingredients and it shows in every cup!”

GREK is only 3 years old but they have had an exciting journey so far. The business has won SILVER at the Best of British Awards 2018 and GOLD at the Food and Beverage Awards 2018 for their bespoke packaging design. They were also thrilled to have been awarded a Merit in the ADC 97th Annual Awards, New York and an Award of Excellence 2018, California.

GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

In addition to their design awards, GREK Peppermint tea was awarded 2 Gold Stars and the Paradeisia Blend (Sage tea) was awarded 1 Gold star by Great Taste 2018. Last year, their Greek Mountain tea was awarded 2 Gold Stars by Great Taste 2019.

“Our herbal teas are caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, free of added sugar and free of artificial flavouring with numerous of health benefits. They are greatly appreciated by consumers who are tired of the traditional black tea and look for modern alternatives. They do not say no to high-end, more expensive products especially if they come in nice packaging. And this is how GREK was born. We wanted to offer great quality tea in a beautiful, eye catching box and we are proud of what we have created.”

As for Marina’s favourite? “Personally, I love Mountain Tea and Lemon Verbena and I enjoy them hot or cold with a slice of lemon, I really like the smooth and floral taste. But I always turn to Peppermint tea or Paradeisia when I need a kick! I suppose my favourite changes with my mood or time of the day.”

GREK tea brewing up a storm around the world

From the moment you take in their aromatic richness until the last drop touches your lips, you’ll know that their herbal tea infusions embrace the very essence of what tea is supposed to be.

Not long ago, GREK also launched in Australia, via Grecian Purveyor which was a dream come true for Marina.

“We have had many requests about our teas from restaurants and delis from all over Australia in the last couple of years. There is high demand and we are looking forward to establishing a strong presence in the near future. We just want to let everybody know that WE HAVE NOW MADE IT TO AUSTRALIA!!,” Marina excitedly said.

GREK teas are available on the company’s website, on Amazon UK and on Grecian Purveyor.

Once you’ve had GREK’s aromatic tea, there is no going back.