Students will begin to return to university campuses and higher education institutes in Greece on Monday, wearing face masks.
Physical attendance with masks and the necessary social distancing will be in place for classes and labs with up to 50 participants, while lectures and seminars with more than number will be held remotely.
Deputy Education Minister for tertiary education Vasilis Digalakis told ANA that there was now a new reality due to the pandemic "and we are obliged to adapt to the different but necessary conditions that this imposes."
"The live discussion and interaction that takes place in amphitheatres cannot be fully replaced by remote education and neither do we want students to be cut off from the overall experience of studying at a higher educational institute. It is, therefore, worth deliberately and responsibly guarding the safe and normal running of the new academic year," he added.
Digalakis also said that a process was underway to spend €5.2 million in EU funds on some 2,000 bursaries for post-graduate students and candidate lecturers to teach selected classes to support undergraduates.