The Greek military is recruiting 1,600 new professional soldiers

Greek Army soldiers military.

The plan for strengthening the Greek military with more professional personnel is in full swing starting in 2021.

The decision to recruit 1,600 professional personnel in the Greek military was officially posted.

Greek army soldiers military.
Greek Army soldiers,

1,000 professional soldiers will be recruited in the Army, 300 in the Navy, 280 in the Air Force and 20 in the Joint Legal Corps.

The number of redeployed soldiers and redeployed reservists in the Greek military for 2021 is 600 for the Army, 200 for the Navy and 200 for the Air Force, with the rest of the recruitment to take place in years following 2021.

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Greek soldier.

Professional personnel in the Greek military serve for seven years and then are made permanent until they complete a total of forty years to be able to retire.

Conditions for joining the Greek military professionally is as follows:

– have Greek citizenship

– be between the ages of 18 and 28.

– have a height of at least 1.65m.

– have grammatical knowledge, in which the level of competency will be determined by the Minister of National Defense and not be inferior to the holder of a high school diploma.

– be in good physical health.

– have not been irrevocably convicted of a felony or receive any penalty for theft, fraud, embezzlement, extortion, forgery, false testimony, bribery, oppression, infidelity, conspiracy to commit fraud, defamation and breach of duty, as well as any crime against sexual freedom or sexual exploitation, drugs, smuggling, weapons and illegal gambling.

Those who have fulfilled an unarmed mandate or an alternative political-social service, in accordance with the provisions of the military legislation, cannot be classified as professional soldiers.

The Greek military training includes:

– Initial training, lasting 14 weeks (6 weeks basic and 8 weeks fighter training).
– Training in a specialty, lasting from 4 to 113 weeks, depending on the specialty.
– Training of candidate graduates, lasting 4 weeks.