102-year-old woman defeats COVID-19 in Corfu

COVID- Corfu Hospital.

A 102-year-old woman was discharged from the General Hospital of Corfu after defeating COVID-19.

As the head of Corfu General Hospital Leonidas Roubatis told AMNA, “the elderly woman was hospitalized for 20 days in the Special Infections Unit, which was created after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in Corfu Hospital.

“When she was in a private nursing home in Ioannina, it was found that 56 elderly people were positive for the coronavirus and the 102-year-old had to be treated among them,” he continued.

“The 102-year-old for days had a high fever, but also many other symptoms of the coronavirus, but she did not have to be intubated,” Roubatis explained.

To date, five elderly COVID-19 patients have been transferred from the same private nursing home in Ioannina to the Corfu Hospital.

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Corfu Hospital.

Along with the 102-year-old, a 74-year-old came out after having also defeated COVID-19.

“Love and stubbornness for life overcomes all evil. The organization of the Special Infections Unit of Corfu Hospital operates with professionalism and commendable treatment by our competent medical and nursing staff,” Roubatis said proudly.

“We are very proud of every person who is discharged and wins the battle with the coronavirus,” he concluded.