German citizens do not know about Nazi crimes in Greece

Greek victims of Nazi Germany.

The issue of reparations still haunts Greek-German relations, often bringing back dark memories of German occupation, the mass executions and the Holocaust.

“Contrary to what many Greeks believe, only a few in Germany and Europe know about the martyrdom villages and cities of Greece”, explained Babis Karpouchtis from the University of Jena.

“The massacres and executions of civilians, the deportation and extermination of Greek Jews, remain unknown”, he added.

Greek victims of Nazi Germany.
Greek victims of Nazi Germany.

An open-air exhibition entitled “German crimes in Greece” in the city of Münster sheds light on these dark pages of history and Greek places of remembrance.

Due to the measures against the spread of COVID-19, the organizers of the exhibition had to look for a different form from the one they had originally planned to honor the memory of the victims.

Through posters, they take a look back at their trip to Greece, with special references to the places of remembrance they visited and the crimes Nazis committed.

The “Gallery Walk”, as the project was named, remains accessible to visitors despite strict measures against the pandemic.

The exhibition will remain outside Villa Hobel until the beginning of February 2021.

It will then travel across the country – if anti-pandemic measures allow.