2,500-year-old Greek Aphrodite Temple discovered in Smyrna


A team of Turkish scientists and archaeologists have discovered the remains of a 2,500-year-old Aphrodite Temple in Vourla (Βουρλά, Turkish: Urla) peninsula in the region of Smyrna (Σμύρνα, Turkish: İzmir) in Turkey's west.

Elif Koparal from Mimar Sinan University, leading the excavations, said a significant social and economic network was discovered.

"During our screening of the surface, we detected the Aphrodite Temple from 6th century B.C. Aphrodite, a common cult back then. It is a fascinating and impressive discovery," Koparal added.


Aphrodite is an ancient Greek goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation.

Koparal also remarked that the first traces of the temple were discovered back in 2016 and were announced to the world in a journal.

Drawing attention to the threat posed by illegal treasure hunters and urbanization of historical sites, Koparal said her team cooperated with the locals to protect the archaeological treasures.

Smyrna was founded by the Greeks, taken over by the Romans and became a part of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century.