Happy 109th Birthday Eleni Confos

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Happy 109 birthday to the wonderful matriarch Eleni Confos. Eleni is the oldest Greek in Australia, the 10th oldest person in Australia, and the oldest known Kastellorizian.

The Sydney-based super Yiayia celebrated her 109th yesterday, claiming for one more year the title of Australia’s oldest Greek.

Eleni Confos (nee Galettis) migrated Down Under in 1931, the first of seven siblings. Being the family’s eldest daughter, she played a large role in their upbringing but also helped them make their way to Australia after her.

A true matriarch, she has been a mother figure not only to her own children but also her nieces and nephews, as they all lived in nearby streets in the inner-city suburb of Kingsford.

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Eleni Confos Fb page


Eleni has now lived through 2 wars (world war 1 & 2) and a pandemic. What a trooper! Happy Birthday! from all of us and our GCT readers.

Photos thanks to https://www.facebook.com/TheCastellorizianAssociationNSW/

Kastellorizo: A Tiny, Magical Island With A Huge History - Greek City Times