At a time when the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarakis, is carrying out German and EU orders by expanding the migrant camp on the Greek-Turkish border, signs along the Evros River were erected that guide illegal immigrants into Greece.
Under the pretext of humanitarian aid and with signs in six languages, they are guiding immigrants on how to illegally enter Greece from Turkey.
This is reported by one of Turkey's largest newspapers, Milliet, which refers to the area of Adrianopoli (Αδριανούπολη, Turkish: Erdine) and even mentions the migrant crisis of March 2020, giving of course Ankara's narrative.
Specifically, the report states:
"In Adrianopoli, by the Provincial Directorate of Immigration Management, signs showing the area in 6 languages were placed on routes often used by illegal immigrants to inform them of the risk of being in a difficult situation.
"Thousands of migrants who wanted to go to European countries in March last year gathered in Adrianopoli and waited for days after Greece closed its borders.
"The Adrianopoli Provincial Directorate of Migration, as part of the Routes Frequently Used by Migrants project, has put up signs showing the settlement area in 6 languages.
"These are Turkish, English, Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Bengali, and also contains the 157 Foreign Communication Line number."
READ MORE: Illegal immigrant in Chios stole animals, killed them and sold the meat.