There is no evidence that illegal immigrants and refugees have a higher proportion of COVID-19 infections compared to the general population, said the Minister of Immigration Policy, Notis Mitarakis.
The minister said “Of course they will be vaccinated.”
At the same time, Mitarakis announced a bill to tighten return procedures.
Regarding immigration policy, he noted that out of the 37 existing migrant camps, 34 are SYRIZA’s creation.
“The decongestion on the islands has been completed. We reached 34,000 [illegal immigrants] during SYRIZA. Now it’s 12,000,” he told MEGA.
Finally, he announced that there would be new migrant departures to Germany.
“140 people will leave on Wednesday. Within 1-2 months, 1,000 people would have left via direct flights from Lesvos to Germany,” he said.
READ MORE: 85-year-old man dies in Crete minutes after receiving COVID-19 vaccine, doctors suspect no link to jab.