Eleftherios Petrounias announces his candidacy for the Hellenic Olympic Committee

Eleftherios Petrounias announces his candidacy for the Hellenic Olympic Committee

Eleftherios Petrounias announces his candidacy for the Hellenic Olympic Committee

Greece’s ‘Lord of the Rings’, Eleftherios Petrounias, announced his candidacy for “the highly honorary position of the representative of all athletes from all sports in the Hellenic Olympic Committee.”

The mission of the Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC) is to oversee and act to ensure the development, promotion and safeguarding of the Olympic Movement, the spirit of fair play and out-of-school physical activity, in accordance with the principles of the Olympic Ideal and the traditions of the Hellenic sport.

“The voice of every athlete participating in the Olympic Games must be loud and heard within the Olympic Movement,” he posted on social media.

“The issues that we all face are many and I believe that we who hear a little more because of an Olympic medal, it is our duty to come forward and claim for all our athletes to solve them.”

IOC committed to a “successful and safe” Tokyo 2021 Olympics


*More on GCT: How Petrounias and Millousi train while in lockdown